In office dental benefits plan
Several people have asked me what they should do if they don't have
dental insurance. Well, I along with my team of gurus have
created what I would consider a dental plan which very closely replicates
how dental insurance works (without actually being dental insurance).
For an agreed upon annual membership fee, our practice will cover you
as if you had dental insurance and give you additional discounts as
Please click here for more information.
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Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Tooth decay and its causes (etiology)
A good question arose this month on how to prevent decay.
There are various factors involved in the etiology of decay,
which is mostly caused by invasion of tooth structure by oral
bacteria; most are under our control but a few are not under
our control. Of those we can control are diet, oral habits,
hygiene, and periodic professional care. These represent
chemical effects (mostly maintaining a balanced acid/base
environment), physical effects (nail biting, pencil chewing,
clenching and grinding of teeth), prevention of decay (removal
of debris and apply flouride), and correction if decay is present.
Of those we can not control are composition of tooth
structure/bone and salivary secretions which are mostly
controlled by your genetics and are unique to you.
To maximize dental health, its important to assess the needs
of the teeth and address them which Dr Mattie does each time
you come in for a checkup. This allows you to avoid tooth loss
and other major issues like periodontal (gum) diseases that can
claim many teeth if the disease is not kept in check.
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Sunday, January 19, 2025
Understanding dental pain
There are many causes for dental pain and some sources of pain
may not even be of oral origin. To begin, most dental pain occurs
due to situations that often are ignored and subsequently become
worse due to a lack of treatment. These are most often sports
injuries to the face, car accidents with trauma to the face,
abscessed teeth, sinus infections, broken fillings and/or tooth
structure, cracked teeth, periodontal disease, tooth clenching
or grinding , abusive relationships. For these issues, please call
us as soon as possible.
To be sure, it is imperative to keep check up appointments and
periodic X-ray examinations to prevent things from going
unnoticed. That way you can minimize painful episodes.
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Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Artificial Intelligence at our practice

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into
our dental practice is revolutionizing oral health
diagnostics and patient engagement, as
cited in the 'Journal of Dental Sciences'.
Applying AI algorithms “to digital imaging
systems allow us to rapidly analyze X-rays,
detecting issues such as dental caries, bone
loss, and infections.” Our patients also
benefit from AI-generated overlays that add color and quantification,
improving their understanding of their oral health.” Additionally,
AI is transforming administrative processes through streamlining
scheduling, reminders, insurance claims, and payments.
Recently, scintillation crystal resolution in digital X-ray sensors has
supassed that of the resolution of X-ray film making it a suitable
alternative to using X-ray film. Also, computer speeds/memory
have gotten fast/large enough to support a realistic display of an X-ray
image on a computer monitor in as short as 3-4 seconds. We now offer
digital X-rays at our practice.
As well as the increased speed of image display and enhanced detail,
the advantages of digital X-rays are a 90% reduction of radiation
exposure, they do not require photochemical development (a plus for
our environment), and are easily stored on a computer for future
reference. Please click here for more information.
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Friday, October 18, 2024
Toothbrush abrasion

Over the course of our lives, the human body
undergoes wear in various forms.
The teeth are no exception;
they incur wear as
a result of years of chewing
and normal use. In an effort to take
good care of the teeth, we unknowingly
begin to develop adverse
patterns of brushing the teeth
that incur additional wear to them.
With time, these adverse patterns of brushing start to destroy
otherwise healthy teeth to the point of requiring restorative
treatment. This treatment can range from surface bonding to
extraction of the tooth due to its breakage depending on the
severity of the destruction of the tooth. This is why proper
examination, brushing technique and treatment is needed
otherwise unnecessary tooth loss can occur.
This can limit the damage and preserve the life of our teeth.
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Saturday, March 18, 2023
What is the Combination syndrome
Patients have recently asked me about what to do in a case where
rear teeth are lost from decay and have not been replaced over
the years.
This can happen on just lower back teeth or upper back teeth
or a combination of both upper and lower back teeth.
This combination syndrome or anterior hyperfunction generally
shows with the loss of most of the rear teeth and the loss of
vertical dimension of occlusion. To manage this condition,
restoration of rear teeth should be done using conventional
removable denturework or implant-supported prostheses.
Anterior hyperfunction is attributed to the lower front teeth
and some interventions for those teeth may need to be done
prevent accelerated tooth wear and loss.
If left untreated, the remaining front upper or lower teeth
will be destroyed as they are being overworked and do all
of the chewing.
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Monday, August 05, 2024
Clenching or grinding our teeth
There has been some overriding concern recently regarding
clenching of the teeth and if it is treatable.
The ADA reseachers have recently targeted stress related
bruxism of teeth and subsequent tooth breakage to be on
the increase. The cause of this has been found to be economic
worries, job stress, unemployment, inflation and fears of the
future. From my standpoint, the good news is that bruxing
of the teeth is treatable depending on conditions present before
major damage occurs to the teeth and TMJ joint. If left
untreated, the accelerated wear of the teeth and structures can
lead to osteoarthritis, TMJ joint cartilage disc preforation, or
worse things like degenerative joint disease. These things
require extensive surgeries, hospitalizations and therapies to
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Sunday, June 23, 2024
Dental Tartar and its harmful effects

This month's blog article is focused on dental
tartar; what it is, why does it form, and its
harmful effects.
Dental tartar is a calcified conglomerate of
bacteria and calcium salts that precipitate out
on teeth and other dental appliances such as
implants and denture work over time. The reason it forms is as
the mouth pH changes to a more alkaline state, the calcium salts that
are carried in the saliva come out of solution in the form of a solid
mass. Because most American diets are of foods that are soft in
texture, the calcified mass does not get scraped off of the teeth .
As a result it stays attached to dental structures and can cause
harm even over a short period of time. Gingivitis and periodontitis
are both bacterially mediated diseases causing everything from
bleeding and sensitivity of the gums to destruction of the jaw bone,
loose teeth and teeth loss as well as discoloring of the teeth and
breath malodors .
The only treatment is to remove the dental tartar and if needed begin
to remove infected teeth if the damage has gone too far. All the
more reason to visit the dentist for regular cleanings.
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Monday, April 22, 2024
Types of periodontal disease

A question was asked recently as to the different types of
periodontal disease and their causes.
There are several stages of periodontal disease ranging from
mild to advanced depending on the person's susceptibility,
systemic conditions, oral hygiene and attention to dental visits.
For the most part, I like to focus on 3 classifications -
Gingivitis/mild periodontal disease - caused by accumulations of
bacterial plaque and toxins due to lack of hygiene and dental visits. I will
usually perform scaling and root planing to debride the gums pockets of
Moderate periodontal disease - can be irreversible when untreated and
can cause loss of bone supporting our teeth. Again scaling/RP and oral
antimicrobials can stabilize the progression of this stage of periodontal
disease. More frequent visits for dental hygiene is suggested.
Advanced periodontal disease - shows up as a rapid loss of gum
attachment based on extensive loss of bone support. This can
be related to uncontrolled diabetes, genetic factors, smoking, lack of
proper hygiene, or immunosupression by diseases like HIV. Timely
intervention with scaling/RP/antibiotics/antifungals and frequent dental
hygiene appointments can help prevent things from getting worse.
Periodontal surgery may be indicated eventually.
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Saturday, February 24, 2024

I was recently asked what cosmetic options
are available to whiten and also correct the
front teeth present when we smile.
Tooth whitening done in a controlled dental office environment
represent the best results for whitening while minimizing gum
and tooth related sensitivity and damage. They also have the
longest lasting results.
While over the counter whitening systems do work, care should
be taken to follow directions and not to over apply or over expose
teeth and gums to these agents. I have routinely seen younger
people severely strip off enamel and tooth structure in an effort to
get white teeth. While that result is certainly attainable in some
cases, permanent tooth damage does result in most cases as
whitening was never designed to get teeth perfectly white in every
If you want perfectly white teeth, veneers and crowns are a good
alternative for those whose teeth are not amenable to whitening.
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Sunday, October 22, 2023
Vertical (Occlusal) Tooth wear

Over the course of life, our bodies incur normal
wear and tear in all its systems. The need for
eyeglasses, hair thinning and hair loss, and
wrinkling of skin are all examples of wear
associated with aging. The teeth are no exception;
chewing and grinding, parafunctional habits caused
by stress and course dietary food can all lead to
tooth wear.
Fortunately, all is not lost. With modern dental materials, worn,
cracked and abraded teeth can be repaired and rebuilt to
normal form and function. Depending on the esthetic need,
different modalities can be employed and restorations of the
teeth made.
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Friday, August 25, 2023

A question was raised this month
regarding a more esthetic and
realistic looking material compared
to traditional metal based porcelain crowns -
In recent years, with the advancement of dental
materials, a new material has become the more
well recognized cosmetic alternative to traditional
metal based crowns. Zirconia dioxide
(ZrO2) is a silica-free, acid-resistant, polycrystalline
ceramic that has an opaque "frosted" appearance. It has
great fracture resistance and allows us to mask over different
tooth discolorations as well as have high flexural strength for
longer spand applications like fixed dental bridgework.
It has garnered great support from the dental community as
opposed to earlier experimental materials which fell short on
strength and fracture resistance and were therefore not suitable
for dental use.
A recent smile makeover that I had done shows the Before
picture of traditional metal based crowns gray gumline
"shadow" and the After picture of the zirconia based counterparts.
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Monday, June 26, 2023
Screening for oral cancer
This month a question was raised regarding how Dr Mattie screens
for oral cancer.
Oral premalignant and malignanat lesions can take on various forms
ranging from lateral leisons on the tongue and under the tongue to
areas of the back of the throat (oro-pharynx) and palate. Periodic
examination for these lesions are done each time you present for
your check up. Many times slight changes in the mucosal
surfaces can be further diagnosed with vital dyes like methylene
blue and observed for dye retention (a sign of active biological
Fortunately, most lesions can be treated if caught early. Biopsies
are sent to oral pathlogy laboratories where final diagnoses are
determined based on histological findings and clinical presentation.
Over the years, Dr Mattie has identified many granulomatous
growths and squamous cell carcinomas; the overall risk factors
being but not limited to tobacco use (both smoking and smokeless),
heavy alcohol use (including excessive mouthwash use that contain
alcohol) and betel quid.
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Thursday, April 20, 2023
UNWANTED tooth movement

Some have asked, Why do teeth shift position as
we get older ?
There are many reasons why teeth shift position as
we get older. Some movement is a result of wear
of the dentition over time; some is related to bone
loss due to various diseases; some is related to not replacing
missing teeth that have been pulled.
Whatever the reason, it is important to maintain periodic
cleanings and exams to limit oral diseases from destroying
bone and thereby allowing teeth to loosen and move. It is also
important to replace missing teeth to prevent
unwanted movements of neighboring teeth and to reduce the
chewing work that needs to be done by the remaining teeth.
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Saturday, January 21, 2023
Which electric oral adjuncts do I recommend

The most recent and common question regarding oral care that
I receive is which electric toothbrush / oral care devices do I
recommend. To answer this, I take in to consideration several
factors - ease of use, manuverability in the mouth, ability to
deliver therapeutic agents such as flouride or antiseptics and
tissue responses.
You really do not need to get hung up on price or what is
trendy to see effectiveness of these devices; as clinicians it
is important to keep in mind that not only are we treating oral
tissues but also the person's ability to attend to hygiene
given his / her dexterity.
I have observed over the years that smaller sized brushheads /
applicators have better manueverabilties especially in smaller
mouths. Additionally, it is NOT necessarily a good thing for
a device to do several things at once. A toothbrush that while
applying toothpaste to the teeth is also concommitantly
washing it away with a water stream is a good example of this.
Also, portable battery operated devices tend to loose power and
not perform as well as those that can be charged / plugged in to
AC outlets. The more the device can extend its clensing ability
it into deeper pocket areas around teeth increases its ability to
give a good tissue response. And of course it the cases of oral
irrigators like the WaterPik, if you are not keeping your head
down toward the sink but instead trying to look into the mirror,
you are going to create more of a water splashing mess than is
So now that I have given you some of my clinical observations,
you can make a little bit better decision as far as what to buy
and what parameters to look for.
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Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Implant supported fixed bridge

Sometimes if jaw bone support is adequate and
the patient's preference is for a non removable
tooth prosthesis, an implant supported fixed
bridge can be fabricated.
These bridges have NO support from natural
teeth meaning that they are supported by
implants ONLY. This in turn means that they
can be placed almost anywhere that there is
room enough for implants as well as for
however many false teeth are needed.
Given that often there is not enough natural
teeth in an area of the mouth to do a
conventional tooth supported bridge, these
implant supported bridges are a convenient
solution for replacing teeth.
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Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Overcoming sensitivities
The question of tooth sensitivity was posed by several people this month.
While tooth sensitivities can be a normal part of tooth maturation,
persistant sensitivity can be indicative of other issues. It can be caused
by decay, loose fillings, loose teeth, related to the gum, or even
secondary to certain types of trauma to the teeth. Trauma can be bruxing,
or clenching of the teeth, incorrect brushing, or sudden impacts to teeth.
Proper diagnosis and treatment is essential to resolving prolonged
sensitivity. Treatments vary depending on the conditions present.
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Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Technologies for improving indoor air quality
With the advent of COVID, a question was recently posed to me
regarding indoor air quality.
At our practice, we have in use several technologies to mitigate
airborne germs, gases, and chemical pollutants. Most of these
technologies can be obtained by you at home as well so follow
along as I describe each one-
1) Iodinated air filters - It has been shown by lab experiment that
simply spraying Betadine (Purdue pharma, Norwalk, CT) a brand
of 10% povidone iodine on hot air furnace filters and reinstalling
them into the distribution fan filter bracket for operation can render
inactive fungi, bacteria, viruses, and corresponding spores in the
effluent air and reduce germ load in the air as a result.
2) HEPA particle interception - physically trapping airborne
particulates and dust can clean the air as well.
3) Peroxide plasma - this technology involves circulating hydrogen
peroxide vapors through the building ductwork to properly clense it
of germ growths inside the ductwork but also add germicidal
benefits to the interior structure of the building. This is only
necessary periodically and not all the time.
4) Ionization - ionization produces a destructive splitting of VOCs
(volatile organic compounds) which are mostly airborne chemicals
that pollute the air. It converts them to mostly carbon, nitrogen gas
and water vapor. It also surrounds viruses and bacteria like MRSA
COVID, influenza, staphylococcus, streptococcus, E-Coli and renders
them inactive.
So, with the exception of iodinated air filters and peroxide plasma,
you can take advantage of the two other technologies that are
incorporated in air purification devices that are commonly available.
For iodinated air filters and peroxide plasma, contact a HVAC
specialist for assistance.
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Tuesday, May 03, 2022
Intra oral camera technology

We are excited to be able to give you the ability to
see your own teeth and so better understand your
own dental health.
Recent advancements in digital camera technology has
made this possible. Not only that but insurance companies
can NOW better acknowledge visual description rather than verbal
description. Visual communication and telereferencing are now
possible to approve treatment and motivate people to prevent
dental problems in the future. See our new office overview video
for more information on how our intra oral camera works.
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Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Charcoal toothpastes may HARM teeth
A question was raised this month regarding the efficacy and safety of
activated charcoal toothpastes.
Recent studies have shown several disappointing factors regarding
these pastes. One being that most of them DO NOT contain flouride
which can make us more prone to tooth decay. Secondly, they can
strip enamel off of our teeth with frequent use causing needless
sensitivity and loss of tooth structure. Thirdly, manufacturer claims
that cleaning and whitening of the teeth have not been demonstrated
with normal use.
The best bet on toothpastes is to look for the ones that display the ADA
seal of acceptance.
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Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Implant supported lower denture - A case treatment presentation

Earlier this year, one of our long standing patients
decided it was time to improve his quality of life
and opted to go with an implant supported lower
This modality of treatment entails the placement of 2 to 4 implants
to support retaining hardware which the denture fastens to to remain
anchored in the mouth.
Follow the 6 pictures that illustrate the process of installation of a
clip retained lower denture that sits on a retaining bar supported
by 2 implants.
After trying it at home, the patient remarks that the denture feels
comfortable and he can now eat the things he could not eat before.
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Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Concerning flossing vs alternatives

Many of you have come into the office with concerns that flossing
may not be doing much to debride the teeth in between other teeth. My
thoughts have gone into this as well as several of my own empirical
experiments over the years. My conclusion was and still is that flossing
does not do the job of debriding the teeth or bridgework or orthodontically
anchored teeth at all well.
With today's modern adjuncts for home oral care, flossing can essentially
be limited to removing foods that may have become jammed in between
our teeth only. Oral irrigation far exceeds the ability of flossing to debride
the teeth.
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Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Our practice renovation - A July update
A July update - We are presently moving supplies and support
furniture back into the upper level and reequiping these rooms
for proper operation. The next step is minor audio wiring and
setup of instrumentation. In case you missed them, here are
some current pictures of the office.
We are still open for business as usual and welcome you.
Also, you may now enter the building normally, through the front
door which is handicap accessible.
We encourage you to PLEASE park your vehicle normally in
the parking spaces marked by the white lines. This will
facilitate with handicapped accessibility and convenient
entry and exit for everyone.
We appreciate your patience in this matter and are working on
this so we can welcome you back to an even more modern
practice than before.
So with your blessings and those of our Lord we hope to be
finished relatively soon.
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Sunday, June 27, 2021
Our practice renovation - A June update
A June update - We are working on finishing the upper level with
restoring new dental equipment and counters to rooms,
reinstalling the dental lab, and doors and a new staircase. The
next step is is final painting of the walls, finishing the floor, and
getting the plumbing and network wiring installed.
We are still open for business as usual and welcome you.
Also, you may now enter the building normally, through the front
door which is handicap accessible.
We encourage you to PLEASE park your vehicle normally in
the parking spaces marked by the white lines. This will
facilitate with handicapped accessibility and convenient
entry and exit for everyone.
We appreciate your patience in this matter and are working on
this so we can welcome you back to an even more modern
practice than before.
So with your blessings and those of our Lord we hope to be
finished relatively soon.
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Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Our practice renovation - A May update
A May update - We have recently moved all clerical and clinical
dental operations down to the lower level; this includes our
new waiting room area and rest room area that are now fully
operational and handicap accessible. However, we will still be
adding incidental items of decor like wall pictures and certificates
as time goes on. Here are some currents views of the practice.
We are still open for business as usual and welcome you.
Also, you may now enter the building normally, through the front
door which is handicap accessible.
We encourage you to PLEASE park your vehicle normally in
the parking spaces marked by the white lines. This will
facilitate with handicapped accessibility and convenient
entry and exit for everyone.
We appreciate your patience in this matter and are working on
this so we can welcome you back to an even more modern
practice than before.
So with your blessings and those of our Lord we hope to be
finished relatively soon.
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Friday, April 23, 2021
Our practice renovation - An April update
A brief update for April - Our finishing detail that includes
some small equipment, alarm system, stereo, infection control,
TV and computers is progressing. Some early pictures are
posted here . Here are some current views.
We are still open for business as usual and welcome you.
Also, you may now enter the building normally, through
the front door which is handicapped accessible.
For the moment, however, dental treatment is still being
conducted on the upper floor as we are preparing to move
dental operations downstairs in the near future.
We encourage you to PLEASE park your vehicle
normally in the parking spaces marked by the white
lines. This will facilitate with handicapped accessibility
and convenient entry and exit for everyone.
We appreciate your patience in this matter and are working on
this so we can welcome you back to an even more modern
practice than before.
So with your blessings and those of our Lord we hope to be
finished relatively soon.
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Friday, March 26, 2021
Our practice renovation - UPDATE FOR MARCH 2021
A brief update on our practice renovation - our progress is finished
for the plumbing, lighting,dental equipment, doors. Next will be
our finishing detail. Some early pictures are posted here . More
pictures will be posted shortly.
We are still open for business as usual and welcome you but
you must enter the building at the rear entrance, by following the
arrow signs along the private driveway; the rear door is marked
"ENTER HERE". You can look forward to new ceilings, floors,
entryway, bathroom, reception area, central air conditioning,
treatment rooms, and dental equipment to be installed.
We appreciate your patience in this matter and are working on
this so we can welcome you back to an even more modern
practice than before.
So with your blessings and those of our Lord we hope to be
finished relatively soon; From our family to yours have a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year as well.
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Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Our practice renovation
As many of you have inquried, we are very excited to announce
our new practice renovation project that we started on October 2
of this year.
We are still open for business as usual and welcome you but
you must enter the building at the rear entrance, by following the
arrow signs along the private driveway; the rear door is marked
"ENTER HERE". You can look forward to new ceilings, floors,
entryway, bathroom, reception area, central air conditioning,
treatment rooms, and dental equipment to be installed.
We appreciate your patience in this matter and are working on
this so we can welcome you back to an even more modern
practice than before.
So with your blessings and those of our Lord we hope to be
finished relatively soon; From our family to yours have a Happy
Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas as well.
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Sunday, November 22, 2020
Plans for re-opening our practice
As many of you know, Connecticut plans to reopen the state to certain
business sectors on May 20, 2020. While dentistry has abbreviated the
scope of its practice to emergency care only for the past 2 1/2 months,
there are some new protocols that we have adopted from the CDC, ADA
and OSHA to allow us to fully open for elective care. Please visit our
COVID19 section of our website for details and for our video on the
protocols for dealing with the Corona virus.
As for now, you may rest assured that neither Tina our manager nor I
Dr. Mattie have been sick or have changed in our health profile. God
has most graciously blessed us !!
We have been praying very hard for many of you who are unemployed
or have been adversely affected by the COVID19 pandemic (especially
Psalm 91).
So you may feel confident in our practice in returning to us for elective
care procedures. We want to urge you NOT to neglect your teeth as
that will cause further dental problems to occur in the future. Our phone
is 203-239-9427 and we will be happy to welcome you back and set up
some time to spend with you.
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Friday, May 15, 2020
COVID-19 - An Update
We are seeing some progress with the slowing of the spread of
COVID -19.
According to MSN, one study finds Remdesivir, an
antiviral drug used to treat the Ebola virus has some promise.
However, larger clinical trials need to be performed for further proof.
People who have heeded the recommendation to wash hands, to limit
group engagements, and to telecommute have helped to slow the
progression of the disease. While these functions help to limit exposure
to the virus, people still need to understand that viruses in general
DO NOT "go away".
A virus is not a bacterium, fugus, protozoan or anything that resembles
a living creature;they are simply a chemical molecule that most times
resembles a protein that spacially attach to our own cells via receptors
and cause our own cells to generate other chemicals that interfere with
normal cellular functions and life cycles. For this reason, the body's own
immune system needs to develop specialized cells (antibodies) from a
weakened or dead copy of cells that have been infected with the virus
(antigens) otherwise known as a vaccine. Vaccines can be derived
from blood plasma of people who have fully recovered from their viral
infection. Vaccination is currently being tested in patients with
COVID -19 as a last case senario in which nothing else will help
them recover.
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Friday, April 24, 2020
COVID-19 ******* Reasons NOT to panic************
Here are several reasons why we should not panic regarding the
COVID-19 outbreak; we can best understand the virulence/mortality
of the current Novel COVID-19 virus only if we put it in prospective
with past virus outbreaks-
According to, in the 1918 flu epidemic the death rate was
0.1%. Each year the seasonal flu death rate is 0.1%. In 2002-2004, the
SARS virus death rate was 9% (considerably higher). In 2009, the H1N1
virus death rate was 0.02%. In 2014-2016 the Ebola virus death rate was
50% (the highest death rate of all these viruses listed). In 2019, the
COVID-19 virus death rate is ONLY estimated to be 3%.
Citing, the vast majority of COVID-19 cases are mild.
Approximately 82% of those infected with the COVID-19 virus will
develop cold like symptoms only and will not die. Another 15% will
develop flu like symptoms which makes up 97% of those infected with
The remaining 3% is what everyone in the media are presenting on TV;
by and large the minority of cases.
In the interests of better hygiene, here are some helpful suggestions for
Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap or use a hand
sanitizer that contains alcohol.
Sneeze and cough into tissues. If you get mucus or spit on your
skin, clean it off right away.
Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick, especially
people exhibiting respiratory symptoms and fever.
Stay home when you' re sick.
Regularly and thoroughly clean surfaces, such as counter tops and
doorknobs, with a disinfectant.
As an essential business, our dental office will remain open for
service or if you have questions please call us at (203) 239-9427.
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Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Flossing and Brushing --OR--Brushing and Flossing

This month a question was raised
regarding which should be done FIRST; Flossing OR Brushing.
With the onslaught of new hygiene products
becoming commerically available almost daily,
many of us can become confused regarding the
"order of operations" for hygiene. In essence, our objective
for proper hygiene is to debride the teeth of plaque, food
particles and bacterial inhabitants thereby allowing us to better
access the surfaces of teeth for polishing and sealing. This is
accomplished by a gross removal of debris FIRST followed by a
finer polishing to flush away debris and to smoothen the tooth
surfaces. Ultimately, fluoride is applied to the tooth surface as
a final step to reduce decay producing ability of bacteria
and to remineralize teeth from acid attacks by food or bacterial
waste products.
So, the technical answer to the question is to FLOSS first then BRUSH
A much better way of debriding teeth of gross debris is to use an oral
irrigater FIRST. It not only debrides the teeth, but actually goes further by
flushing debris away from the teeth/gums as well as physically
conditioning our gum tissue to stay healthy (see oral irrigation).
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Sunday, January 05, 2020
Gum diseases can enable Alzheimer's development
The Conference on prevention of dementia have recently presented
research that suggests that exposure to inflammation such as gum
diseases can increase a person's risk of developing Alzheimer's
disease by 400%. There are many conditions that produce
inflammation in our bodies over the course of our lives so our objective
is to reduce inflammation. Since the dental environment is the MOST
subject to bacterial attack and inflammation, it is important to keep it
as clean as possible with a minimum of 2 prophies (cleanings) per
year at our office.
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Friday, January 10, 2020
Holiday sweets and care of our teeth
To a question about eating sweets-
Today's world is replete with temptations, not the least of which is
our desire for sweets. Studies have shown that it is NOT the amount
of sweets that we consume that does our teeth the most potential
harm but the frequency with which we consume these items that does
the teeth the most harm.
After the consumption of sweets, it is the subsequent oxidation of
these sugars to acid compounds that facilitates the acid dissolution
of our enamel and development of tooth decay.
So by example if I were eat 2 candy bars within a 15 minute period this
would not be as bad for the teeth as if I were to eat 1 candy bar over a
15 minute period and another candy bar 15 minutes after the first one.
This is due to the fact that over 30 minutes, I am exposing the teeth
only once to sugar in the first case; as opposed to exposing the teeth
twice to sugar in the second case.
So it is the frequency of exposure to sweets that is the most potentially
harmful to the teeth and not the amount of sugar exposed.
Of course tooth brushing immediately after eating sweets can
statistically minimize enamel dissolution in both cases.
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Saturday, November 19, 2016

I was asked by a gentleman of concern that he would prefer
a conventional cemented bridge to a single tooth implant to replace
one missing tooth. To answer this you have to remember that every
patient's case has different parameters to consider. In his case, due to
a weakened state of his lower front teeth,he would need to use all of the
lower front teeth to support a bridge that would replace a single front tooth.
While this is possible, it's not very practical Also, by doing this you can
accelerate bone loss around the remaining front teeth. So imparting
knowledge and insight is part of my profession and I indicated to him
that a single tooth implant would be the better choice for his case.
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Wednesday, September 07, 2016

For almost 30 years, our practice has been instrumental in the
enhancement of dental X ray film to display such things as elusive
cracks in teeth, stress fractures in root canaled teeth and potential
microleakage of restorations. In fact, Dr. Mattie recounts his efforts
of doing this going all the way back to the early 1990s using
Windows 3.1, and a early graphics program called Publishers Paintbrush
to convolve X-ray images, apply Boolean digital subtraction and apply
customized 256 colored palettes to X-ray images to show various density
levels of hard tissue including our teeth.
Recently, scintillation crystal resolution in digital X-ray sensors has
supassed that of the resolution of X-ray film making it a suitable
alternative to using X-ray film. Also, computer speeds/memory
have gotten fast/large enough to support a realistic display of an X-ray
image on a computer monitor in as short as 3-4 seconds. We now offer
digital X-rays at our practice.
As well as the increased speed of image display and enhanced detail,
the advantages of digital X-rays are a 90% reduction of radiation
exposure, they do not require photochemical development (a plus for
our environment), and are easily stored on a computer for future
reference. Please click here for more information.
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Friday, May 10, 2019
Saving teeth with infection - Root canal therapy
Many of you have asked me about whether or not root canaled teeth
may release toxic bacteria or cause 'septicemia' which is a bacterially
mediated infectious disease somewhere else in the body; my answer
to you is NO. Here's why -
If causative infecting bacteria were still alive and still causing problems in
our bodies, they would be mostly manifested in and around the area of
the offending zone of primary infection first (which would be the previously
root canaled tooth). This means that the previoulsy root canaled tooth would
be the first area that symptoms would be present.
And as far as toxic substances released by infectious bacteria, this may
be true only if the bacteria were still alive and going unchecked; which
would also produce pain and symptoms around the previously root
canaled tooth. For an infection to be going unchecked, would mean that
the patient would have to be deliberately ignoring him(her)self to the pain
or symptoms of the tooth in question.
THAT is HIGHLY unlikely.
Secondly, the previously root canaled tooth is under the constant super-
vision of our immune system.
Thirdly, most bacterial reinfections of root canals occur because patients
do NOT follow up with an adequate restoration of the tooth (permanent
filling or crown). So when the dentist recommends to you to crown your
root canaled tooth, you need to follow his(her) directions.
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Sunday, February 17, 2019
Regarding lack of dental hygiene and coronary disease
Studies have shown that patients who do NOT attend to periodic dental
hygiene visits are 3 times more likely to have coronary artery disease
than patients who do have health teeth. This study suggests that
harmful bacteria around teeth may spread to other parts of the body
causing infection. So keeping up with brushing twice daily and
regular dental hygiene visits will minimize these effects.
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Thursday, September 29, 2016
Recently, several of you have asked questions about financing.
As an additional convenience for financing, we do participate with a
special healthcare credit card company called CareCredit. So now
we can offer you the best treatment that you desire and taylor the
financing to your specific needs. We've had several of you use this
credit card already with successful results.
Click CareCredit and then click "APPLY" on the upper left menu bar.
Or call to apply at CareCredit at 1-800-677-0718
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Sunday, February 25, 2018
Patient of the Month
Every month our practice rewards those who help us to help other
people. Education and communication are paramount to good dental
health and well being. So by acknowledging your good work, we
hope to better serve you and others as well. To win, please
click here for qualifications.
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Friday, August 25, 2017
A guy with the strangest car

For a change for the summer, I thought I would recognize an
interesting automobile design put together by Mike Valentino. Now, grant
it this is a kit car that is built strickly for fair weather and needs to be treated
with respect both by the driver and by the motoring public around it. Without
that respect you can get into trouble very quickly.
So Mike graciously brought over his engineering masterpiece- a 1931
Ford pickup ratrod with a 350 Chevy V-8 and automatic transmission.
Believe me, this is quite an undertaking both with his time and talent
and research. See the video of it by clicking here.
We are very grateful to Mike for sharing his fantastic abilities and his
car here with us. So thank you so much Mike for showcasing your
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Sunday, July 23, 2017
Smile Makeover- a patient's prospective

During the past month, a patient decided to begin a smile makeover,
With time and forethought and quality work, we were able to deliver a
beautiful result. He had this to share-
"It gives me back confidence, self-esteem, and an optimism that
I haven't had in years."
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Sunday, April 23, 2017
Our latest success story
This conversation came to us after our patient was done with the
treatment; it is being reprinted with her approval.
" I had a front tooth that was broken that was in need of a crown but at
the time I couldn't afford it. " said Candy Torello. "That's when Dr Mattie
introduced me to CareCredit. After applying online, I began to feel
better about things because I was approved in a short time. The best
part was they even let me finance the work INTEREST FREE. So now
that Dr Mattie was skillful enough to fix the tooth, I can rest easy
knowing that I can break up the payments in a manageble fashion.
Thank you so much to everybody for helping me out of an otherwise
difficult situation. "
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Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Our Blog
Our Mission Statement to you:
Our practice established in 1963 has grown successfully since that time. We have
the privilege of seeing each of you through your lives to give you the best
results as suits your individual needs and desires. It has always been our
belief to treat you to the best of our ability using up to date techniques and
to educate you as to the importance of dental prevention. To help better serve
you in this information age, our practice participates with the American Dental
Association forum and other professional dental forums on the Internet to take
advantage of the worldwide dental community and its vast resource of
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Monday, August 29, 2016
Our Staff
To help, we have several administrative assistants to answer your
insurance and scheduling needs. Tina will help you in a timely and
friendly way. She is our front desk authority and will listen to your
needs. Also, our insurance claim coordinator is our authority on
insurance issues who often times contacts insurance companies
on your behalf.
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Monday, August 29, 2016